Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Help me seek peace within
so there may be peace on Earth
and conduct myself in good faith
 to create goodwill towards men.
(author unknown) 
I have always been fascinated with this still frame from
"The Sound of Music".  As they say, "A picture is
worth a thousands words." Let's take the above poem
and strive for world peace! As Michael Jackson says,
"Look at the Man in the Mirror"
Have a great day!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I was viewing photos on the National Geographic Website today and found these photos.  There are tons of photos plus photo tips given by a number of their photographers.  I found Catherine Karnow and Jim Richards tips interesting.  Above are two photos I found.  I made them black and white which I think adds an appeal to certain photos.  Catherine Karnow had an article concerning while taking pictures of people how to put them at ease to create the most natural faces. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


  A poem by mmichelle97219 (01/20/2009)
Oh, snow covered tree on a winter morn
You’re a gorgeous reminder of a wicked storm
 You stand so tall with proud beauty
A sight for all to stop and see
 You gently dance with winter’s wind
You never break, but slightly bend
 You give me a smile of pure delight
As your ice crystals sparkle in the light
 Oh, snow coved tree on crisp winter morn
A reminder that winter is not to be mourned
I have always found snow covered trees to be so beautiful, especially when there is a group of them as in the above picture.  The density of the snow is thick, so much that you can almost breathe in the snow.  As a boy growing up, we had huge tall bushes out by the back door which created a canopy during a wet soft snow.  They were gorgeous as was Jack Frost on our kitchen windows.  I found the picture and poem online. Have a nice winter weekend!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentine's Day 2013
My wife is just a clever one
Who always says "I love you"
when the day is done.
And she is quite a creative person
when she is at the computer, that's certain.
For above is  her Valentine card, you see,
straight from her heart to me.
I Love you Cat !!
because you know where its at !! xoxo
Hope all of my blog friends find someone to kiss today!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tax Day was Today

Tax Day was today at our household.  We dread it every year
but this year was great.  We actually receive a state tax
refund and had to pay only minimal to the federal government.
Don't you just love it?  What a relief !!